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- Oscar Wild


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Eftir 8 ára steðg og út við 60 ár síðan fyrsta plátan kom út, er nýggja plátan hjá 79 ára gamla Bob Dylan "Rough and Rowdy Ways" nú komin á marknaðin. Hon fær besta ummæli í allari heimspressuni.

The Guardian skrivar: "For all its bleakness, Rough and Rowdy Ways might well be Bob Dylan’s most consistently brilliant set of songs in years: the die-hards can spend months unravelling the knottier lyrics, but you don’t need a PhD in Dylanology to appreciate its singular quality and power."

New Musical Express skrivar at útgávan er "a record that aspires to be the musical equivalent of the Great American Novel."

Rolling Stone skrivar: "Light a candle for the late Leonard Cohen: he no longer owns the crown for the best album ever made by a 79-year-old."

Eisini svenska pressan er heilt upp í loft: les her

Nýggja plátan hjá Bob Dylan kann hoyrast á Spotify: trýst her

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