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- Oscar Wild


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Avbyrging (Isolation) er ikki fremmant fyri føroyingar, búgvandi 62 stig norðanfyri ongastaðni, avbyrgdir frá umheiminum. 

Tó, tá alheims farsóttin var í hæddini, upplivdu øll í heiminum sosiala avbyrging í stóran mun; avskorin frá familiu og vinum.

Vit øll avmarkaðu okkum, hildu frástøðu frá øllum og vardu okkum sjálvi ímóti smittu. Vantandi alskur rakti okkum meint bæði sálarliga og heilsuliga.

Á heysti í 2020 var Anna púra einsamøll í Íslandi, har hon byrjaði hennara Master of Music nám, uttan møguleika fyri at sosialisera og fáa nýggjar vinir.

Eitt kvøldið, orsakað av ótolandi einsemi, royndi hon at fáa samband við hennara mann og tónleika samstarvsfelaga, Arnold Ludvig (tónaskald og bass spælari í MonkeyRat)
í Føroyum.

Syrgin um hennara vantandi evni til at fáa fatur á honum, eftir ein gongutúr, byrjaðu orð at yvirfylla hennara sinn. Við hesum íblástri býrjaði Anna at rusla øll hesi orðini niður, sum komu oysandi úr høvdi hennara, og skrivaði hesa yrkingina - Isolation. Til dagin í dag er hon sera takksom og takkar manni sínum fyri at hann ikki var til at fáa fatur á.

Hetta sum byrjaði sum ein yrking í sambandi við nýggja listarliga virkið hjá Onnu, Poetry w/ Electronics, tók síðani eina óvæntaða vend yvir í psycedeliskan rokk sum minnir um 60ara og 70ara rokk.

Isolation varð innspælt live í Soundscape Studio í DK av prísvinnandi Louise Nipper, ljóðteknikkara, við prísvinnandi tónleikarunum í MonkeyRat, Alain Apaloo á guitar, Arnold Ludvig á bass og Jens Stoklund á trummur umframt forsangarinnuni, tónleikaligum stjórnanda, yrkjara/sangskrivara, Anna Iachino.

MonkeyRat gav eina undan-útgávu av Isolation á Copenhagen Winter Jazz Festival, tá áhoyrararnir gjørdust púra villir og rokkaðu út til niðurlagið, What A Crazy World!

Above, is the cover art for Isolation, poem, and photos of MonkeyRat's concert in DK.

Below, is a link to click on to hear the track:


Isolation forces beings become a whole as an entire One
Here’s a chance to get to know oneself, meet a stranger that happens to be u
I know, it’s hard, I once lived on a rock, in the middle of the ocean
Was forced to face myself, meet someone I hardly knew
´Twas the best and worst thing that ever happened to me
The knowledge of self was the gift and opportunity
Isolation - time to live as One, as One nation, Isolation to Humanation

Distractions are now hard to come by
Be a magnet to yourself in your mind's eye
There’s so much gold in them there inner chills
Light the light inside your soul, be quiet, be still
No matter how small the man made structure in this juncture has reduced our flame
My flame was reduced to a gas stove’s pilot light
Uncharted territory, unmapped, unseen was such a fright
I know it can be so dark in isolation when u don’t know who u are 
How can u love someone u don’t even know, so close and yet so far
But that’s the beauty of it, it’s all about getting to know one with love
As u finally are faced with four walls, let them burst the flames of your creation

Isolation to creation
No more indignation
No more mass incarceration
No more divided nations
Divide and conquer
Divide and con me and u and him and her
Indoctrination and separation

As they rule
Made us all out to be fools
Define and take your own space
Let no one and no thing interfere
There is only love and fear
As we face ourselves, face to face
Know that we are One, the human race
Forget the lines, the man made maps
Look at all the man-made crap
All them man-made facts
The generational gaps and man-made mishaps

Oil spills
As man kills everything in sight
Short sighted
Wars ignited
Set all aflame
Like Hitler's and Nero's man-made fires
The USA, all man-made empires
What a crazy world
Isolation - the only way out is within

By: Anna Iachino 2020

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