Ísraelski herurin (IDF) prógvar við video ein 55 metur langan tunnil 10 metrar undir al-Shifa-sjúkrahúsinum.
The IDF has been telling the world the truth about the Shifa Hospital.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 19, 2023
The operation is ongoing and is being conducted carefully, all in order to locate and dismantle Hamas infrastructure in the hospital.
Still don’t believe us? See for yourselves the evidence shown by IDF… pic.twitter.com/4H9hWJpnID
OPERATIONAL UPDATE: IDF and ISA forces revealed a significant 55-meter-long terrorist tunnel, 10 meters underneath the Shifa Hospital complex during an intelligence-based operation.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 19, 2023
The tunnel entrance contains various defense mechanisms, such as a blast-proof door and a firing… pic.twitter.com/tU4J6BD4ZG
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