Tá ið nummar tvey av mótablaðnum Vogue verður at fáa í handlunum, er komandi amerikanski varaforsetin, Kamala Harris, á forsíðuni.
Men longu áðrenn blaðið er prentað, fær tað hvassar atfinningar, skrivar danska TV 2.
Kamala Harris hevur alt ov ljóst hold, ljóðar kritikkurin sambært fleiri altjóða miðlar sum The Guardian, CNN og New York Post.
Vice President-elect @KamalaHarris is our February cover star!
— Vogue Magazine (@voguemagazine) January 10, 2021
Making history was the first step. Now Harris has an even more monumental task: to help heal a fractured America—and lead it out of crisis. Read the full profile: https://t.co/W5BQPTH7AU pic.twitter.com/OCFvVqTlOk
Kamala Harris is about as light skinned as women of color come and Vogue still fvcked up her lighting. WTF is this washed out mess of a cover? pic.twitter.com/5O2q0axA0G
— E. Vaughan (@HypeVaughan) January 10, 2021
Folks who don't get why the Vogue cover of VP-elect Kamala Harris is bad are missing the point. The pic itself isn't terrible as a pic. It's just far, far below the standards of Vogue. They didn't put thought into it. Like homework finished the morning it's due. Disrespectful.
— Charlotte Clymer (@cmclymer) January 10, 2021
Um tú veitst okkurt, sum VP ikki veit - skriva so til vp@vp.fo