Fyri 14. ferð hevur Real Madrid vunnið Champions League.
Finalan móti Liverpool endaði við 1-0 sigri til Real Madrid.
14 - Real Madrid have won the European Cup/Champions League on 14 occasions – twice as many times as any other side in the history of the competition. Preferred. #UCLfinal #LIVRMA pic.twitter.com/lPk4sM7sWf
— OptaJoe (@OptaJoe) May 28, 2022
4 - Carlo #Ancelotti became the manager to have won the UEFA Champions League the most times: four (for AC Milan in 2002/03 and 2006/07, for Real Madrid in 2013/14 and in 2021/22). Myth. #LiverpoolVsRealMadrid pic.twitter.com/LCJ7d163be
— OptaPaolo ???? (@OptaPaolo) May 28, 2022
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