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- Francis Sheaeffer


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Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
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Útlendis ítróttur

3. umfar í FA Cup hevur verið á skránni í dag í Onglandi.

Fleiri dystir hava verið leiktir, og tey mest óvæntaðu úrslitini vóru, at Sheffield Wednesday og Blackpool vunnu móti ávikavist Newcastle United og Nottingham Forest. 

Sheffield Wednesday liggur í League 1, sum er triðbesta deildin, meðan Blackpool liggur nummar 22 ella triðaftast í EFL Championship, sum er næstbesta deildin. 

Sheffield Wednesday vann 2-1 móti Newcastle, meðan Blackpool hølvaði Nottingham Forest av 4-1. 

Í gjárkvøldið vann Manchester United 3-1 móti Everton. 

Úrslitini í dag:
Brentford-West Ham United 0-1
Coventry City-Wrexham 3-4
Grimsby Town-Burton 1-0
Luton Town-Wigan Athletic 1-1
Shrewsbury-Sunderland 1-2
Boreham Wood-Accrington Stanley 1-1
Sheffield Wednesday-Newcastle 2-1
Blackpool-Nottingham Forest 4-1
Fleetwood-Queens Park Rangers 2-1
Middlesbrough-Brighton & Hove Albion 1-5
Ipswich Town-Rotherham 4-1
Chesterfield-West Bromwich 3-3
Millwall-Sheffield United 0-2
Tottenham-Portsmouth 1-0
Reading-Watford 2-0
Gillingham-Leicester City 0-1
Preston-Huddersfield 3-1
Crystal Palace-Southampton 1-2
Hull City-Fulham 0-2
Bournemouth-Burnley 2-4

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