Í øllum førum er best at gera tað rætt. Næstbest er at gera tað skeivt. Ringast er einki at gera
- Theodor Roosevelt


Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.


Fróðskaparsetrið: Fyrr í ár lýsti UArctic-felagsskapurin eftir fýra ph.d.-lesandi, sum eru knýtt at universitetum í UArtic-samstarvinum, og sum granska í arktiskum viðurskiftum. Endamálið var at fáa tey at kappast um at hava bestu framløguna á árligu  Arctic Circle-ráðstevnuni, sum í hesum døgum verður hildin í Hørpu í Reykjavík.

Helgi Winther Olsen sendi eina umsókn inn og slapp gjøgnum nálareygað til sjálva finaluna, sum verður í kvøld klokkan 19:15 í Hørpuni.

Framløgan hjá Helga eitur “The Health-related Effects of the FIT FIRST School-based Physical Activity Concept in Faroese Schools”.

Í skránni til Arcitc Circle verður skrivað soleiðis um Helga:

Upon Helgi’s return to the Faroe Islands in 2019, after an extended period in Denmark pursuing his passion for sports and education, he brought back a wealth of experiences and a fervent desire to effect positive change. In 2021, armed with an education in exercise science and biomedical engineering, an opportunity arose to teach physical education at the University of the Faroe Islands within the teacher's education program, and to engage in a Ph.D. focusing on physical activity for children. This felt like a culmination of his journey, a return to where he belonged. Now in the second year of her Ph.D., he has had the privilege of instructing two classes of aspiring teachers, who he believes, will be instrumental in ushering physical activity as a joyful experience for all children. He is excited about the changes we can make with further research, communication, and teaching.

Vit ynskja Helga bestu eydnu við framløguni!

Sí granskaravanga hansara her.

Um tú veitst okkurt, sum VP ikki veit - skriva so til vp@vp.fo