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- Francis Sheaeffer


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Felagsfrágreiðing formannanna frá samráðingunum í februar 2022 um býtissemjur viðvíkjandi landnyrðingsatlantshavsmakreli, norðhavssild og svartkjafti.

1. Sendileiðararnir hjá Bretlandi, Evropasamveldinum, Føroyum, Grønlandi, Íslandi, Noregi og Russlandi møttust í Keypmannahavn frá 7. til 10. februar 2022. Teir samráddust um nýggjar býtissemjur um stovnarnar, landnyrðingsatlantshavsmakrelur, norðhavssild og svartkjaftur.

2. Teir mettu um dagsins framstig at náa nýggjar semjur og móttóku dagføringar av støðuni viðvíkjandi tøkniligum frágreiðingum um landafrøðiligu útbreiðsluna hjá hvørjum stovni. Teir váttaðu mál teirra at semjast í 2022 um langtíðar, altumfevnandi og íroknandi býtissemjur um hvønn stovn.

3. Leggjandi sær í geyma tørvin at fremja framburð í samráðingunum, samdust teir um at halda fram við tingingum um hesar stovnar á trimum fundum í London frá 14. til 16. mars 2022.

4. Teir samdust um, at høvuðsdenturin á teim næstu samráðingarumførunum viðvíkjandi landnyrðingsatlantshavsmakreli verður at kanna nágreiniliga frágreiðingina frá náttúruvísindafólkum luttakaranna um landafrøðiligu útbreiðsluna hjá makrelstovninum. Frágreiðingin er heimilað í “Semjuriti at enda fiskiskapartingingarnar um at umsita landnyrðingsatlantshavsmakrel”, undirritað 27. oktober 2021. Teir samdust eisini um, at høvuðsdenturin á fundum um svartkjaft og norðhavssild verður at gera framstig í tingingunum um ein felags býtissemjumyndil. Fullmannaðar sendinevndir verða bodnar at møta á hvørjum fundi.

Colin Faulkner, formaður fyri samráðingunum um landnyrðingsatlantshavsmakrel

Herluf Sigvaldsson, formaður fyri samráðingunum um svartkjaft

Will Francis, formaður fyri samráðingunum um norðhavssild

10 februar 2022

Chairs’ joint report of the February 2022 consultations on quota-sharing arrangements for North-East Atlantic mackerel, Atlanto-Scandian or Norwegian spring spawning herring, and blue whiting

  1. Heads of delegations from the European Union, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom met in Copenhagen from 7 to 10 February 2022. They consulted on new quota-sharing arrangements for the stocks of North-East Atlantic mackerel, Atlanto-Scandian or Norwegian spring spawning herring, and blue whiting.

  2. They reviewed progress to date on arriving at new arrangements and received updates on the status of technical reports on the geographical distribution of each stock. They affirmed their ambition to agree in the course of 2022 long-term, comprehensive, and inclusive quota-sharing arrangements on each stock.

  3. Noting the need to build momentum in the negotiations, they agreed to continue consultations on these stocks in 3 meetings in London from 14 to 16 March 2022.

  4. They agreed that the focus of the next set of consultations on North-East Atlantic mackerel would be to review the report provided by the parties’ scientists on the geographical distribution of the stock of mackerel. That report had been commissioned in the “Agreed Record of conclusions of fisheries consultations on the management of mackerel in the North-East Atlantic”, signed on 27 October 2021. They also agreed that the focus of the blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian or Norwegian Spring Spawning herring meetings would be on progressing their discussions for an agreed sharing arrangement model. Full delegations would be invited to attend each meeting.

Colin Faulkner, Chair of the consultations on North-East Atlantic mackerel

Herluf Sigvaldsson, Chair of the consultations on blue whiting

Will Francis, Chair of the consultations on Atlanto-Scandian or Norwegian Spring Spawning herring

10 February 2022

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